What type of oil is used in my blower?

First determine the type of blower on your grain vac by checking the serial number tag on the blower. Dresser Roots and M&D Tuthill are the used on the VacBoss and Handlair line of equipment. The Roots blower uses ISO-220 synthetic gear lubricant. The Tuthill blower uses an ISO-100 synthetic gear lubricant. The most important thing to remember is to use gear oil NOT motor oil. Synthetic gear oil is required by the blower manufacturer. For additional information, check the manufacturer’s blower manual in the addendum of your grain vac operator’s manual.

How often should I change oil in my blower?

The blower oil should be changed at least every 100 hours of use.

When do the airlock tips need to be adjusted?

Proper maintenance of your airlock will extend the life of your machine. Users are recommended to keep a set of feeler gauges on hand to periodically check the tolerances of the airlock tips. Slide a feeler gauge into the top of the airlock between the tip and the outer shell. If the gap is greater than 0.10, it is time to adjust your airlock tips.

My machine is just not sucking grain like it used to.

There are several things that can reduce the performance of the grain vac. Below are easy items to check when your capacity becomes lower.

  1. First, verify that all inspection doors are closed and your gaskets are in good condition.
  2. Check for air leaks in your pipe and pipe connections.
  3. Check for obstructions in your pipe or airlock. Make sure a foreign substance like a rag, an animal, or a clump of grain is not blocking the flow of grain.
  4. Check to see how much vacuum the machine is pulling without product. For example, if your vacuum gauge is showing 5” Hg empty on the numbered gauge or is in the green on the colored gauge, this would indicate that something is plugged.
My safety screen is always filling up with bees’ wings. Can I just remove this filter?

Do not remove the safety screen from the bonnet of your machine cyclone unless it is for cleaning purposes. The safety screen provides critical filtration to your machine. It is better to slow down your PTO and reduce your capacity. By slowing down your machine during clean up and when you are topping off a bin or silo, you will need to shut down your machine less often for cleaning.

Why is my blower getting hot?

It is important to let your blower cool down between loads. Remove your nozzle from the product and let your grain vac move air for 3-4 minutes to cool down the blower. Never shut off a hot machine. Always run without product for several minutes before disengaging the PTO.

Where is the nearest dealer?

Please call our main office and we will be happy to direct you to your nearest distributor or dealer. 800-328-8896.