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300 MT/Hr: Tower-like performance for about 1/3 the Investment!

SuperPortable™ Fanless™ Shipunloaders achieve tower-like capacities of up to 300 metric tons/hour – the highest conveying rate of any portable ship unloader manufactured today!

Designed as a cross between a conventional portable pneumatic conveyor and a tower-type ship unloader, SuperPortables achieve unprecedented levels of performance while lowering energy consumption.

Three standard sizes ranging from 200 MTPH to 300 MTPH with diesel or electric power are available.

The powerful vacuum of a SuperPortable is generated by its Fanless™ prime mover. Fanless technology maintains high suction even as the SuperPortable’s intake nozzle is lowered deep into the hold of a ship.

An Automatic Self-Cleaning Filter Receiver keeps abrasive dust out of the Fanless prime mover and provides for dust-free operation.

SuperPortables are configured as vacuum-intake/mechanical-discharge systems, just like tower type ship unloaders. This unique design provides the lowest energy consumption and most gentle grain handling possible.

SuperPortable General Specifications

Planning Questionnaire

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Portable shipunloaders with tower-like capacity and reliability.


superportable shipunloader

200 MT/hr Max
Model 250
250 MT/hr Max
Model 300
300 MT/hr Max
Power Diesel or Electric
Intake System and Type Pneumatic – Vacuum
Vacuum Pump Technology Fanless™ Positive Displacement
Vacuum Rating 15″ Hg – Maximum Continuous
Intake Boom Hydraulic Telescoping, Luffing, Slewing
Intake Boom Length 8.5 Meters
Filter Receiver Automatic, Self-cleaning – pulse type
Compressed Air System Optional
Discharge System and Type Drop-through or Mechanical – Chain or Screw
Hydraulics Self-contained Hydraulic Power Pak
Remote Control Pendant via Cable; Wireless Available


Safety Notice – Important – Read This!

Entering a bin, silo, tank or other type of storage structure is hazardousWorking in and around bins, silos, and tanks
Entering a bin, silo, tank or other type of storage structure is hazardous. You can suffocate and die from the materials stored inside these structures. There also may be explosive, harmful or poisonous gas or dust in the air. A vac operator and all other personnel assisting should strictly adhere to the procedures outlined in “Bin, Silo, and Tank Entry Procedures” before entering a storage structure. For additional details regarding these procedures, reference OSHA Standards.

When entering grain tanks, bins, and silos, also follow these tips – “Bin Entry Do’s and Don’ts” from the Kansas Grain and Feed Association’s Safety, Health and Environment Committee.


it is your responsibility to read, understand and follow all of the safety instructions in your operator’s manual
Working with and around your vac
Before using your vac, it is your responsibility to read, understand and follow all of the safety instructions in your operator’s manual. Also make sure that EVERYONE operating or near your vac understands and follows all of the safety instructions in the manual.

Remember, a safety-minded, informed operator is the most important safety aspect of your vac. Accidents can be avoided. Do not risk injury or death — be certain that every operator of your vac is well acquainted with all the safety recommendations and operating instructions in the manual. Read “Vac Safety Guidelines”

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